Friday, December 02, 2005

Scary, odd, weird, and sad with blue lights

So the scariest thing ever happened to me yesterday. I was drinking a Dr. Pepper (which I love warm - it's fabulous) and it kinda got stuck like right in the middle of my chest on like an air bubble or something but it caused this weird weird AWFUL PAINFUL feeling! It felt like it started so tiny and then just expanded. And I think I blacked out. The only reason I think this is because I was sitting at my pc and everything was spinning around and I couldn't hold my head up and it was AWFUL. I can't even explain the weird, scariness of this event but it was both weird and scary in the worst way possible. Not to be a drama queen (which I am) but I honestly in those few seconds thought I was going to die. It was the oddest feeling ever. It was probably also the saddest feeling ever. The only thing I could think was why now? I am so happy, and in love, and content why am I dying now?

This and a bunch of weird tv shows that have been on got me thinking about dying. I told my husband that I HAVE to die first. I would be an awful widow. I just know it. For some reason we have seen two shows recently that dealt with a spouse dying and the other ones just kinda sleepwalking through life. Living, but not really...still alive but with a saddness crowding every day that they live without their love. I don't think I can handle that kind of saddness so I think I need to die first. Wow that is so morbid.

Okay so I will change the subject so we can all leave the blog happy and smiley. I just bought 1500 blue Christmas lights! Can you believe that? Now of course we have no idea how to hang them but HEY buying them is the first step LOL! Extension cords are needed but I will leave that job to Bill. I have NO CLUE about that--connections/electricity blah blah blah! This was our first marital compromise. See, I am a white light girl. Not to say that I can't appreciate someone else's house all decorated in colored lights but for me it is clear thanks. Well festive to Bill is colored lights. Hmmm...yeah so this is what we are doing solid blue lights around all the windows, the garage, the door and white lights in the window with a white tree. My girl Holly said that I have nothing to fear that the white and blue will be beautiful (I trust her on this she has a GORGEOUS tree probably one of my favorites). We'll see...this compromising thing is for the birds. Tee hee!


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