Monday, April 10, 2006

Tagged...ugh WHY! LOL

Okay, so my fabulous friend Ron tagged me. Now I am a lackadaisical (that should be my first weird thing about me -- that I know how to spell lackadaisical) blogger and the only reason he did it was to FORCE me to blog LOL! Of course it said to tag 6 people so if you are reading this CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED...

1) I met my husband on the internet (through

2) I am the barefoot contessa if I could NEVER wear shoes I would be happy. I hate shoes/socks/slippers or anything tootsies like to be free. As a matter of fact here at work right now typing this I have no shoes on.

3) I am adopted and the part about that that is weird is that I don't care. Every other adopted person I meet is all whiny and self-involved about the whole adoption thing-get over it ya have a set of parents they raised you good/bad/or indifferent no one gets to pick their parents and this is where you ended up.

4) I have a re-occuring bridge nightmare that has made me PETRIFIED of bridges.

5) I eat pizza crust first.

6) I am not allergic to raspberries, I am not allergic to raspberry flavor, but when paired with certain alcohol (tequila) raspberries make me break out in a rash and hives.

There you asked for it. LOL See I am not weird at all.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

See? That didn't hurt at all.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger alex said...

The apartment was carpetless, and the dust phentermine of a decade lay deep on the old books, shelves, and the familiar advertisements of guano and fertilizers which decorated the room.. She had noticed that smile as paxil he stooped.. Even speeches which are found in the dream content are not new compositions; they prove to be pieced provera together out of speeches which have been made or heard or read; the words are faithfully copied, but the occasion of their utterance is quite overlooked, and their meaning is most violently changed.. Ask her what magnesium piece of music she likes best.. Oh, Lord! They had rounded the big clump of evergreens and found Aunt Missouri Claiborne placidly rocking on the front porch! tramadol Directed to mount steps and ring bell, to lay cards upon the servant, how should one deal with a rosy-faced, plump lady of uncertain years in a rocking-chair.. I launched him by sending phentermine him to a meeting of the Enlightenment Board.. We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading amoxicillin the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.. Either he dodged, boniva however, or my aim was inaccurate; for all I accomplished was the demolition of the crystal which protected the dial of the clock upon the mantelpiece.. His parents came home late and xanax went to bed while he was feigning sleep.. She clung to me, and then withdrew, and potassium fled fearfully from the room.. This is the same manner of consenting to a wish-fulfillment which the queen of the Parthians chose for the triumvir cyclobenzaprine Crassus.. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of xanax our correlate that the second procedure commands the entrance to consciousness, and can exclude the first from consciousness.. But of greater theoretical interest are those dreams which are capable of waking us paxil in the midst of sleep.. Then you do not practice digoxin normal coitus? I take the precaution to withdraw before ejaculation.. Such cases denote an and, a just like, a comparison of the original person yasmin from a certain point of view, a comparison which can be also realized in the dream itself...

At 8:59 PM, Blogger alex said...

The apartment was carpetless, and the dust ibuprofen of a decade lay deep on the old books, shelves, and the familiar advertisements of guano and fertilizers which decorated the room.. She had noticed that smile as celebrex he stooped.. Even speeches which are found in the dream content are not new compositions; they prove to be pieced cialis together out of speeches which have been made or heard or read; the words are faithfully copied, but the occasion of their utterance is quite overlooked, and their meaning is most violently changed.. Ask her what baclofen piece of music she likes best.. Oh, Lord! They had rounded the big clump of evergreens and found Aunt Missouri Claiborne placidly rocking on the front porch! viagra Directed to mount steps and ring bell, to lay cards upon the servant, how should one deal with a rosy-faced, plump lady of uncertain years in a rocking-chair.. I launched him by sending bactrim him to a meeting of the Enlightenment Board.. We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading viagra the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.. Either he dodged, valium however, or my aim was inaccurate; for all I accomplished was the demolition of the crystal which protected the dial of the clock upon the mantelpiece.. His parents came home late and aspirin went to bed while he was feigning sleep.. She clung to me, and then withdrew, and proscar fled fearfully from the room.. This is the same manner of consenting to a wish-fulfillment which the queen of the Parthians chose for the triumvir coumadin Crassus.. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of codeine our correlate that the second procedure commands the entrance to consciousness, and can exclude the first from consciousness.. But of greater theoretical interest are those dreams which are capable of waking us prozac in the midst of sleep.. Then you do not practice pseudoephedrine normal coitus? I take the precaution to withdraw before ejaculation.. Such cases denote an and, a just like, a comparison of the original person macrobid from a certain point of view, a comparison which can be also realized in the dream itself...

At 4:20 AM, Blogger alex said...

The apartment was carpetless, and the dust ultracet of a decade lay deep on the old books, shelves, and the familiar advertisements of guano and fertilizers which decorated the room.. She had noticed that smile as vicodin he stooped.. Even speeches which are found in the dream content are not new compositions; they prove to be pieced prozac together out of speeches which have been made or heard or read; the words are faithfully copied, but the occasion of their utterance is quite overlooked, and their meaning is most violently changed.. Ask her what prevacid piece of music she likes best.. Oh, Lord! They had rounded the big clump of evergreens and found Aunt Missouri Claiborne placidly rocking on the front porch! magnesium Directed to mount steps and ring bell, to lay cards upon the servant, how should one deal with a rosy-faced, plump lady of uncertain years in a rocking-chair.. I launched him by sending ambien him to a meeting of the Enlightenment Board.. We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading cialis the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.. Either he dodged, crestor however, or my aim was inaccurate; for all I accomplished was the demolition of the crystal which protected the dial of the clock upon the mantelpiece.. His parents came home late and fentanyl went to bed while he was feigning sleep.. She clung to me, and then withdrew, and celebrex fled fearfully from the room.. This is the same manner of consenting to a wish-fulfillment which the queen of the Parthians chose for the triumvir aspirin Crassus.. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of pseudoephedrine our correlate that the second procedure commands the entrance to consciousness, and can exclude the first from consciousness.. But of greater theoretical interest are those dreams which are capable of waking us nexium in the midst of sleep.. Then you do not practice metformin normal coitus? I take the precaution to withdraw before ejaculation.. Such cases denote an and, a just like, a comparison of the original person ibuprofen from a certain point of view, a comparison which can be also realized in the dream itself...

At 9:12 AM, Blogger alex said...

The apartment was carpetless, and the dust bactrim of a decade lay deep on the old books, shelves, and the familiar advertisements of guano and fertilizers which decorated the room.. She had noticed that smile as phentermine he stooped.. Even speeches which are found in the dream content are not new compositions; they prove to be pieced butalbital together out of speeches which have been made or heard or read; the words are faithfully copied, but the occasion of their utterance is quite overlooked, and their meaning is most violently changed.. Ask her what ranitidine piece of music she likes best.. Oh, Lord! They had rounded the big clump of evergreens and found Aunt Missouri Claiborne placidly rocking on the front porch! zocor Directed to mount steps and ring bell, to lay cards upon the servant, how should one deal with a rosy-faced, plump lady of uncertain years in a rocking-chair.. I launched him by sending oxycontin him to a meeting of the Enlightenment Board.. We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading viagra the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.. Either he dodged, zanaflex however, or my aim was inaccurate; for all I accomplished was the demolition of the crystal which protected the dial of the clock upon the mantelpiece.. His parents came home late and codeine went to bed while he was feigning sleep.. She clung to me, and then withdrew, and actonel fled fearfully from the room.. This is the same manner of consenting to a wish-fulfillment which the queen of the Parthians chose for the triumvir calcium Crassus.. Whatever explanation the future may offer of these first and second procedures, we shall expect a confirmation of hctz our correlate that the second procedure commands the entrance to consciousness, and can exclude the first from consciousness.. But of greater theoretical interest are those dreams which are capable of waking us soma in the midst of sleep.. Then you do not practice phentermine normal coitus? I take the precaution to withdraw before ejaculation.. Such cases denote an and, a just like, a comparison of the original person oxycodone from a certain point of view, a comparison which can be also realized in the dream itself...


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