Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Ups and Downs

Hmmm...I was going to start this blog with, "It has been a rough couple of days." But then I got to thinking and well it has been but there have also been some good ones tucked in there. So it hasn't been totally rough but the bad sometimes seems to over shadow the good and I think this may have been the case. So that is why I wanted to say it has been rough.

So I was going for a new job here at work...and they had this BIG extensive interview process, they sent an agenda, it was timed, etc. The WORKS! So I really wanted this job and I prepared like you wouldn't believe. I worked on it like mad from home to get it just right and I felt SO good about it. Until the day of my interview...the interview went FABULOUS! Every answer was dead on and honest and 100% awesome. I was so proud of myself and my preparation and felt GREAT walking out of the interview! Until lunch...at lunch my one friend said to me that my boss (the man interviewing for the job) told her boss who then told her that MY boss said that the job was "created" for the other applicant. Are you f-ing kidding me? I did all that work and preparation and totally stressed out about it for NOTHING! He had the job even before the f-ing interview??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can't stand that! Why do that to a person? Why make someone jump through all those hoops and build their hopes just to hand it to someone that you want. I know you have to interview but COME ON--just take me in for a bullshit half hour and be done with it. I can't stand them. This so has me just out of my skin.


The holidays were interesting...every day EXCEPT the 26th was very nice. On the 26th we went to my hubby's Dad's house where he lives with his girlfriend (now known as that crazy psycho pro-lifer--We will call her CPP for short) Oh yeah nothing like discussing abortion during your Christmas visit. A little background for you. CPP is a republican (not that there is anything wrong with that but whatever) and is VERY involved in her party which is great. My feeling is BE involved. You go you. Even if we don't believe the same thing--at least you can have an opinion since you are involved. I feel the same way about people and their views on the president in my presence you cannot have an opinion unless you voted. PERIOD! You have no say unless you made your vote count. Okay so I have always respected her and we are talking about the degredation of the school system and how parents need to be more involved etc. and I was GOING to say "When I volunteered at Planned Parenthood I saw girls so young I wanted to slap the condom out of their hands and give them a barbie" yeah that didn't happen -- what came out was "When I volunteered at Planned Parenthood..." and she started "YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! " Oh yeah yelling it 3 times! My reaction? "Excuse Me?" I tried to bow out of it by saying "CCP I respect your opinion, but you will not change my mind on this and I know I would not change yours so we should just not discuss it." But no she went on like a MAD woman for about 20 mins and finally I left the room. I WOULD NEVER let anyone speak to me like that. She was out of control and I was done. She said the magic words by saying I was "pro-abortion" and I flipped and finally lost it and then ended the conversation. I told her that in the future there are 3 things we will not discuss politics, religion and obviously abortion. So that was pleasant.


My washer died...not the end of the world but it sucked and we totally didn't need to spend that money right now BOO!

-Last and worst

My wonderful Ron's pup died. Brutus. I miss him so much. But more importantly, I so worry about Ron and Michael. I can't IMAGINE losing Linus. My baby who I love more than anything ever except of course for my hubby. I just want to grab Ron and Michael and squeeze them tight. Losing a dog for those of you who do not have dogs...is the worst feeling ever. Of course I am saying this knowing Ron will read my blog so I apologize for having to say this...but it is! Dogs leave imprints on your life that no human can ever leave. Dogs love you UNCONDITIONALLY and with a crazed ferver that no human could ever match. They are wonderful, loving, amazing creatures and honestly God really blessed the world by giving us dogs. If you don't have one...and you want one...get one! They are worth the heart ache of losing them just to have them in your life no matter how brief they will fill every day they are with you with love and friendship unmatched in this world.

- The Good

Well to be honest nothing can get so bad...I mean I have the love of a wonderful man and great friends so that changes every bad day because no matter the day or how bad it is I have their love, especially that of my husband and the world is always a better place because of it.

Had a fun New Year's Eve friends of ours came over and we ate like kings and queens and had a fun time just hanging out and having fun!

To wind down the holiday we had lunch with John and Lisa, bought a new washer (bleck), and DRUM ROLL PLEASE! We got to meet Ron and Michael's new pup Rocky the absolute CUTEST fawn boxer EVER! And of course we love him!

So again...not that bad when you put it all in perspective.


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